Writing and publishing articles has simply taken off at laser fast speed compared to just a few years ago. Recently we have tried to provide the uninitiated with some free tips culled from some top gurus who employ this method with great success. (grab a free copy of The ABCs of Article Marketing here http://www.homebiz-hub.com/articlemarketing.htm
.To back track and cut to the chase it works like this – Write articles on topics related to your product or service, submit to article directories, gain credibility, and back links. I have scurried to stay current using a nice article submitter, but as good as it is as a time saver, it may not hold the promise and potential impact found at Free Traffic System http://vur.me/bigpaulie/Articlemarketing
Take my word it will definitely accelerate you article marketing impact and give you a big boost in the Google search engine.
Free Traffic System is not just for techno gurus and keyword geeks, take your time and learn the techniques a little at a time. I have empathy for newbies who have an admirable and worthy goal of starting a home based business and face the avalanche of hype and new launches, and new software, new membership sites, etc. Recently I put together an overview aimed at those people who are “lucky enough to still have a paper pushing job.
Escape Your Cubicle is a free email course that can help the newbie get oriented. So if you are considering internet marketing as your avenue out, you should subscribe for your free E-Course at http://www.homebiz-hub.com/escapeyourcubicle.html
As a matter of fact if you want to get in with a small company planning for growth you could easily and quickly grab a couple of products to market. If you can empathize with other newbies, you know intuitively that there might be always be a need for personal financial know-how, business financing know-how and anything that will give someone an edge against the office competition. That would make dipping your toe into the home business waters much more than a wild and desperate guess. Check out these indespensible niche products to launch your new business.
Big Paulie
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