I've often talked about the chaos that seems to be inherent in internet marketing. My knowledge of these pitfalls has not prevented me from succumbing to it.
I still undertake too many projects at one time and chase the current trends, even those purporting to siphon sales and leads from facebook (gulp).
I recently saw a television preacher stress how much better off we would be if we would just practice what we preach.
For example (sigh), don't chase all trends. Instead, determine the best niches for you and perfect your efforts in that limited area to maximize your potential.
Secondly, If you are going to follow suggested techniques, hone in on those made by marketers who can document long-term success. Curiously enough, I'm a member of a program that meets that criteria.
Traffic Hoopla has been around for many years. Known for testing and rankings sources of website traffic, they have consistently espoused simplicity. Check out their Kick Start program as an example and see what I mean.
Consider the amount of hype you usually encounter and compare to their concise description of what you are looking for, the cost, what you receive and how to get it.
I think you will find the information on the recommended sites above to be very encouraging and thought-provoking.
Good Luck
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